Case Study

Chemical Sector Importer optimizes time to launch new productsby 75%.

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In this successful case study we tell you how a company* that is a reference in the marketing of specialty chemicals uses Logcomex's market intelligence to:

Accelerate supplier legitimization and avoid fraud

Obtain a competitive differential even in high value imports

Reduce risks in the process of importing inputs

Launch products
in record time

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How the importer found alternative suppliers and inputs at critical times.

"We were able to find a supplier and bring in Hpmc from outside. That contributed to the revenue generation of those months that were difficult - because all the other markets, apart from sanitizers, came to a standstill."
CMO Testimonial


  • Extended periods searching for suppliers
  • Low productivity
  • High risk of fraud
  • Inconsistency in the nature of raw materials


  • One-click supplier bank
  • Validation of exporter’s origin
  • High productivity
  • Improved product launches

"If you couldn’t rely on the supplier in an old scenario, you had to step back. Now that we are using Logcomex, we know the order will arrive. Simple as that."

*For compliance reasons the name of the company has been omitted.

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