
Do better international business, monitor the market and make in-depth analyses based on valuable information.

With Logcomex you have total control of your import strategy and can make more assertive decisions - as well as saving time and money.

✅ Market analysis and expansion potential
✅ Understand freight and insurance trends
✅ Track your shipments in real time
✅ Track all your cargo by CNPJ
✅ Manage the international logistics of your process

Learn more about Logcomex solutions for importers:

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Solution for importers?
The Pleasure is Ours, Logcomex

ncm intel

Drive your growth in foreign trade by making decisions based on valuable information

Perform complete analysis of all imported NCMs, with country of origin, most commonly used routes, FOB value, and most common modes. In addition, keep an eye on future trends and generate an in-depth view of the entire import market.

image search importers logcomex
icon reduce costs logcomex

Reduce costs and compare values in your market

icon more effectiveness logcomex

More effective and rapid decision-making based on data

icon anticipate fluctuations logcomex

Anticipate economic market fluctuations

icon information logcomex

Decisive information for better negotiations


Monitor all your shipments

Using the platform's AI and machine learning capabilities, track your containers in real time, monitoring +25 different types of events during the shipment journey - from international logistics to customs clearance and have greater predictability in your operation.

image tracking importers
icon market analysis logcomex

Analyze the market movement

logcomex market-share icon

Understand your market potential

icon evaluate logcomex products

Find shipowners by origin and destination

icon discover logcomex customers

Discover and qualify international markets

shipment intel

Find import information in a few clicks

This module analyzes, processes, and validates millions of pieces of information daily from countless sources, making them available on the platform in real time.

big data image importers
icon discover logcomex opportunities

Discover untapped business opportunities

icon tenências logcomex

Market trends segmented by products

icon complete information logcomex

Complete NCM information and trends

icon 5 countries logcomex

Access information from Brazil, United States, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay

Why choose Logcomex?

To visualize opportunities in your market

Visualize and understand the opportunity to import and negotiate with new countries. Understand the average price of your imported NCM and be more secure in your strategies.

To say goodbye to absurd freights

With Logcomex you can find alternative routes with more advantageous freight rates.

For greater convenience

Search for NCM information, such as FOB value, updated in real time, and find alternative, more advantageous routes.

To boost your competitiveness

Get a broad vision of your market and take advantage of new business opportunities.

image why choose logcomex

Start today and see for yourself


Proven results

When we first came to Logcomex through referrals, we soon migrated to the platform because it is the most complete tool on the market.

Business Strategy Specialist in malt importing company*

multilog logo

The visibility that Logcomex offers us has been a great differential. It is really a strategic tool for us to develop new suppliers.

Fabrício Macedo
Embelleze procurement coordinator

*data hidden for compliance reasons.

Have a more efficient import

Schedule your demonstration now and have access to strategic information to revolutionize your company's import process.