Ports and airports

Access comprehensive dashboards, real-time shipment maps, analytics that reveal trends, and use integration as an ally to foster collaboration between shippers and suppliers.

✅ Closely follow the variations of the economic scenario
✅ Understand your market potential
✅ Anticipate your logistics planning for cargo redestination

Learn more about Logcomex solutions for Ports and Airports:

Fill in your details

Efficiency, integration and automation in your foreign trade processes

Shipment Intel

Understand your market and find new business opportunities

Get a detailed view of import and export movements, obtain knowledge and assertive information to base your decisions, and define the best strategy for your business.

image big data ports and airports
icon prospect customers logcomex

Prospect new customers

icon get to know the logcomex market

Know the market in depth

logcomex movement analysis icon

Analyze the movement by type of cargo

logcomex market-share icon

Complete information to analyze your market potential


The digital era has arrived.
Is your company prepared?

Speed up and drastically reduce the costs of your operation - from cargo pick-up to booking.

image automation warehouses and terminals logcomex

Logcomex's automation service is divided into four modules:

logcomex cargo capture icon

Load pick-up

logcomex folding icon

Deconsolidation / De-folding

DTA control icon logcomex

ATD control

logcomex registration icon


You can count on our team to understand your business needs and develop customized solutions for your company.

Why choose Logcomex?

Less bottlenecks and operational errors

With the use of technology, human errors are reduced, eliminating bottlenecks and operational errors in processes.

Long-term cost reduction

By reducing operational failures, you no longer have to waste time or money correcting errors - which saves money and optimizes the allocation of resources.

Time Optimisation

Process automation and systems integration optimizes time, increasing your team's productivity

Greater security in processes

Relying on technology allows your information to be more secure, ensuring reliability in your processes

Increase in competitiveness

Ports and airports with organized, safe, agile and optimized processes are more valuable to the market and are more competitive.

image why choose logcomex

Technology at your service to increase efficiency and optimize your operations


Proven results

When we first came to Logcomex through referrals, we soon migrated to the platform because it is the most complete tool on the market.

Business Strategy Specialist in malt importing company*

*data hidden for compliance reasons.

Strategic information to boost your business in commerce

Improve your operational efficiency, your sales process and reduce your automation costs